The Wheel of Life

Explore What Makes You Feel Whole. Make Wellness Part of Your Every Day


How The Wheel of Life Exercise works: Rank your level of satisfaction in each section to mark how fulfilled you feel in that area of your life. Ask yourself questions like; am I satisfied with my relationships? Am I happy in my career? Is my health where I want it to be?
 A dot towards the center of the wheel indicates dissatisfaction, while a dot towards the outside indicates satisfied and fulfilled. Once you’ve ranked each section, the dots will connect creating your unique Wheel of Life. All sections must have a rank in order to connect. 



What does YOUR Wheel of Life look like? 


How would you rate this area of your life?




How well does your wheel roll?


Imagine this pie chart is a wheel and how your dots connect represents the outer rim of that wheel. Now imagine your wheel rolling, is the ride as smooth or less smooth as initially thought or desired?

The rounder and wider your circle is, the more balanced you feel in these areas that affect your well-being. Your Wheel of Life highlights what feeds you in body, mind, and soul. The Frey Wellness Health Coaching Program will teach you how to find balance in these areas and experience your own personal transformation. With leading edge holistic health education, you will be empowered to nourish, heal, and thrive to live a life you love. 


The Wheel of Life is a tool created by Frey Wellness. It is intended for individual level self-reflection and goal-setting. In its current form, it is not a validated tool and should not be used for research or diagnostic purposes. It is not an objective assessment of wellness, but rather individual perception of wellness.